20 Nov 2012

BGM for Programming

My research work involves loads of programmings, so I'm mostly sitting in front of a computer all day.
That sometimes can be very stressful, but one good thing about programming is that I can listen to music while working. At least for me, it never bothers me even though it does for anything else like reading and writing.

One of my favorites is a violinist, Itzhak Perlman. I don't have a deep understanding of musicology, but his pieces just caught my heart. I actually had a chance to go to his concert, and that was literally a life-changing experience. I almost cried because of his amazing performance.

Anyway, I just recalled the memory this morning, and so I was listening to his pieces for the entire day today. That made me feel very relaxed, and I believe that was the thing that made my day :)

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